Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development requires substantial, consistent and permanent funding and, by receiving such funds, can continue to provide innovative youth development programs. Endowment funds address such a need. Gifts are invested in perpetuity, and distribution from the invested contributions is used to fund the desired activities. A portion of the income may be reinvested in the fund to further enhance the fund’s buying power over time.

Because endowments are intended by the donors to be permanent enhancements to the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation, and because they are intended to fund important 4-H programs and activities, two important objectives guide the investment of the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Endowment Funds:

  • To preserve and maintain the real purchasing power of the fund’s principal.
  • To produce a return that would be described as acceptable by prudent money managers as compared to the current marketplace.

Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Endowment Basics

  • Minimum new endowment investment: $25,000
  • Endowments can be named in memory of or in honor of individuals or organizations.
  • Endowments created during a lifetime can see 4-H program impact grow significantly with the addition of a planned or estate gift.
  • All endowments are created through agreements negotiated with the donor.
  • All endowments are managed according to the guidelines set by Wisconsin 4-H Foundation’s policy.
  • Endowment funds are invested through the UW Foundation.

Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Endowment

The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation offers donors gift options designed to sustain Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development programs. Endowments for 4-H county or state programs provide a dependable and perpetual source of funding that, when combined with other public and private annual 4-H funding sources, assures that 4-H learning opportunities can always be available for Wisconsin’s young people.

The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Endowment distributes program grants annually and supports the administrative costs of the organization.

For more information on endowments, please call the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation at 608.262.1597.

Named State 4-H Program Endowments

Donors with a particular interest in long-term 4-H program priority areas such as livestock; animal science; plant science; environmental science; health education; citizenship, leadership and service; global and cultural education, or other 4-H programs can establish a program endowment that would provide perpetual support for specific program development and implementation.  State 4-H program endowments can be used to provide annual grants to support statewide programming; volunteer development and/or curriculum development.

Named County 4-H Program Endowments

Donors who want to make a sustained investment in the county 4-H program where they were a 4-H member or volunteer may do so with the creation of a named county endowment fund. The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation annually grants proceeds from county endowed funds to a county 4-H program to support 4-H youth participant fee scholarships; youth out-of-county event scholarships, 4-H youth recognition; 4-H volunteer training scholarships, or simply to assist with the annual cost of program delivery in a county.

Gifts of any size are welcome to grow these existing 4-H endowment funds. Join others in making a difference for Wisconsin youth by investing in these existing state 4-H endowment funds!

The endowment description, authorized by the Board of Trustees when the fund is established, states each named fund’s purpose. Each fund is invested through the UW Foundation, but owned and administered by the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation which has the responsibility to make expenditures from the fund under directions set forth in the endowment description. If distributions are not used in a given fiscal year, the Foundation may carry the balance forward into the next fiscal year for purposes specified in the endowment description; or the unused distribution may be reinvested to principal, thereby securing additional shares.

New named funds are established by the Board of Trustees upon receipt of a gift of $25,000 or more. Endowment descriptions are approved by the donor and the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation.

If you have questions regarding an endowment fund, please contact Board President, Charlie Crave, at 920.285.3812 or charles@cravecheese.com